Priority support will go to disabled children; children from disabled families (who are not able to support the costs for their children); and finally children who have been removed from violence (such as rape), who have no care givers to support them.
Often girls have to miss school when they have their period. You can help with this: for just £8.50 FUM can provide a young girl with a reusable sanitary kit. This kit will provide each girl with six reusable sanitary towels that could last her for several years and give her the opportunity to participate in normal life.
It costs £35 to support a young person through school. We would love to receive a regular donation but equally any support will be appreciated. You can also contribute £8.50 to provide a young girl with a reusable sanitary kit.
Why not donate as a gift, in the name of a friend or family member. We will send them an email, letting them know that you have made a donation on their behalf. All you need to do is make your purchase and then email Nikki at with details of the person that you would like to us to email, your message and email address. We will send them an email thanking them and confirming your gift.
Go to and follow the instructions.
To support a child, please use the donate facility on the FUM website and then email me your name so that I can keep you informed of the progress of your donation.
Thank you for reading.