The experience there changed the course of her life by deciding to switch to studying medicine at university.
Amy later chose her elective to be in Nzega Hospital with another student in 2011.
A FUM partner TDT provided funds for them to buy equipment for the local village clinics.
For Jo's placement at Urambo Hospital she was attached to Dr Masimba, shown.
She stayed with Mama Kizinga then Principal at Urambo FDC and chose to walk to the hospital. She felt she had 'arrived' when passers-by started calling her "Mwanafunzi daktari" (student doctor) rather than the usual "mzungu" (white person).
She was intrigued by the arrival from Kilimanjaro District of the 'flying surgeons' who held a clinic for 60 patients and operated on 30 of them, all in the space of two hectic days.