Uhindi clinic and dispensary are in a fine state with the two houses providing good accommodation for the staff. The clinic now has a reliable water supply, via a pipe from a borehole in the village. The District medical Officer told us this was funded by World Bank and is in good condition.
Jo Taylor
FUM Medical Liaison Officer
The staff were keen to show all the facilities they have received from FUM: one staff house (pictured, in memory of Pauline Hitchin), the latrines, the labour room, mattresses, blankets, sheets and mosquito nets.
Mr Msemele is helped by a Medical Assistant and a Laboratory Assistant, as well as village helpers. The laboratory, with microscope, provides good, on-site diagnoses. The staff usually see 40 – 50 patients daily in their Out Patients Department and deliver an average of 17 babies each month, though many mothers live too far away. The clinical officer also acts a dentist each Friday. A busy man! The clinic serves 3 villages with a total population of 18,000+ , with a quarter aged under 5.
There is no PMTCT service at Uhindi yet, though the staff are undergoing the necessary training so hopefully this service will start soon. They do offer advice re contraception, breast feeding for only 6 months, they encourage all pregnant mothers to be tested for HIV. Staff offer counselling to the 1 in 6 who test positive. They give anti-viral syrup to babies, and medication to the HIV+ve mothers. Some of the fathers came in for HIV testing and counselling, and all are offered free condoms.
There is an active Vaccination programme running, with 800 children currently on the programme.
Malaria was the most common disease but numbers have dropped considerably due to the availability of free, treated mosquito nets, via the Bill Gates Foundation, for all under five year olds.
The main challenge is the distance patients have to travel to get to the clinic and for support for complications. These patients have to be taken to Urambo District Hospital and there is only one ambulance. Ideally the Clinical Officer would like a 3-wheeler motor bike for his outreach work, and to act as an emergency vehicle.
The patients who were waiting to be seen said they felt the main problem was a lack of water. There is no rain water harvesting at Uhindi, hopefully this can be a future project for FUM.
Jo Taylor
FUM Medical Liaison Officer