Clinics in Kaliua District

Maboha Clinic

The clinic is in good condition and well staffed by Medical Officer Dr Florian and nurse Regina with help from local villagers. Water is a problem.

Find out about Maboha Clinic  

Uhindi Clinic & Dispensary

Uhindi Clinic is a very busy and well used clinic. The Clinical Officer, Bicele Msemele has been there since 2003 and runs a very good service.

Find out about Uhindi Clinic & Dispensary  

Usimba Clinic

When visited in 2017 the clinic and nearby maternity unit were in good condition with a plentiful supply of water and adequate staffing.

Find out about Usimba Clinic  

Ibambo Clinic & Health Centre

With the staff accommodation and the rainwater harvesting system both complete the clinic is now fully functioning after 10 years perseverance.

Find out about Ibambo Clinic & Health Centre  

Nyasa Clinic

The large underground water storage tank was completed in March 2018 and the rainwater harvesting system is fully operational. The clinic is working well and received a government grant for its good performance.

Find out about Nyasa Clinic